History of maytown sport parachute club
history of maytown sport parachute club 2

History of Maytown Sport Parachute Club

- By "Handsome" Dave Dewolf

In 1968, I transferred to the VA Out-Patient Clinic in Harrisburg from the VA Hospital in Philadelphia. In those days the weekend jumping was either at the York Club or United. The club at Riegel Field in Palmyra was also jumping on the weekends and on Wednesday evenings. So everybody around here jumped on Wednesday evenings at Palmyra. The Club was called the Falling Stars. One day a man came up to me (Carl Miller) and said some skydivers were starting a club at the Donegal airport and they jumped Tuesdays and Thursdays during the week. They had about a 6 meter pea gravel pit (accuracy was big at that time). The club was called “The Flying Dutchman”. It had been started at Garden Spot Airport (not there anymore) and had moved to the Maytown area since the airport would supply the plane and the pilots. It was a real nice Cessna 180 (222D) and this worked out good for the club.  The people who started the club at Garden Spot, that I remember, were Jay harsh and John Hendricks. Carl lived in Columbia some place. Carl was quite a guy. He put a pea gravel pit in his backyard and he owed a Cessna which his wife could fly also. After work every day that we were not jumping at the airport, they would drive over there and Eddie would drop him out.  In any case, they were the good old days since now you could jump 5 days a week…

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Then in around 1970 two things happened at once. Paul Supan had a fight with the Airport in Palmyra. They asked him to leave.  He also owned the airplanes.  He would buy them in a basket and refurbish them. Also at Maytown, John Phillips (Vince’s brother) was doing a fancy landing and nosed the plane in. He was OK but the plane was totaled. The airport said that they would not buy another plane for us.

So the two clubs got together at Don Trouts father’s house which was next to Miller’s Restaurant (still there) Don’s father owned the restaurant. Jay Harsh and I drove down together. Dick Gochenhaur was there also since he was a member of the Falling Stars.  In any case they decided to combine forces and it was to be called “The Maytown Sport Parachute Club.”  We have been jumping in Maytown ever since.